Scholarships for summer events, Confirmation retreats, registration fees, and other events. Because of YOUR support we were able to lower the price of our summer events by $200 per teen! This allowed over 100 teens to register for summer events and camps in 2023! Your generosity this year will help us to build on this momentum and get even more teens involved in these life changing camps and retreats.
Because of your support in 2023 we will be taking over 20 teens on a mission trip to the Rio Grande Valley, TX again in 2024. On this mission we will serve the needy in the Valley area through projects at residents’ homes, community charity centers, and we will facilitate vacation bible school for a parish that would not otherwise have the resources to do so for their elementary students. In 2024 we plan to do over $15,000 of repairs at no cost to the homeowners.
Enhance our youth room. With our new Ministry Hall now built, we will be using proceeds from this run to make a conducive gathering space for teens after school. So far, we have bought tons of board games, a video game system along with several games, and kept the fridge stocked for the teens weekly. This will be a place for teens to study, pray, and have fun together.
We have been able to bring in several high-quality speakers from our local community and beyond. The quality of these speakers at our youth nights has no doubt contributed to the continued growth of our youth ministry program. There is a huge enthusiasm amongst our teens and we have one of our largest Confirmation class ever on track to be confirmed in 2025.