Engaged Sponsor Couple Marriage Preparation
After meeting with a Priest or Deacon, each engaged couple must fulfill several marriage preparation requirements, one of which is to meet with our Engaged Sponsor Couples. Each engaged couple must have five sessions at the home of their sponsor. Each session lasts about 2 hours. These sessons are scheduled at the convenience of the sponsor and the engaged couple. Sponsors find this ministry enriching to their own marriage as well as being a great opportunity to help others through their example and experience.
Sponsor Couple Ministry Volunteers
This program provides personal and confidential guidance to couples preparing for marriage. The purpose is to help the engaged couple better understand each other, their family of origin, and their expectations of marriage through the use of a marriage preparation workbook and the sharing of personal experiences. Communication skills, parenting, intimacy, and spirituality are included. This service is also provided to couples already married who wish to have their marriage blessed in the Catholic Church.
Sponsors should be married for at least one year, have a strong commitment to a good marriage and be willing to share their marital experience and faith with engaged couples. Married couples from all backgrounds are welcome. The sponsors should be willing to sponsor one to two engaged couples per year.