St. Mary's Jr. High Youth have been invited to attend the Archdiocese Jr. High Youth Rally in February 2024!
The Junior High Youth Rally is an annual day for younger adolescents to gather in community to pray, share, learn, and celebrate our Catholic faith with the larger Archdiocesan family. This year, the theme is God's Eyes and the keynote speaker is Maggie Craig.
We hope you will join us for a day of faith, service workshops, fellowship and games.
Any student enrolled in our EDGE program (6th-8th grades). Students are welcome to bring friends. All participants must be registered in advance.
Date: Saturday, February 24, 2024
Time: 10:30 AM to 9 PM
It takes place St. Helen's Catholic Church in Pearland. (Youth will need to be dropped off and picked up at St. Helen's.)
The cost of the retreat is $60, which includes lunch, dinner, and a t-shirt. We never let money prevent teens from attending events here at St. Mary's. For scholarship information, please contact David Harley at