Would you like to donate the weekly church altar flowers in memory or honor of someone or something special?
The large display of flowers is placed behind the presider chair and remains there for an entire week. The cost is only $50.
Please Contact the parish office for details 281-332-3031
Mass intentions are scheduled quarterly. We open scheduling for each quarter, the first fridays of December, March, June and September. See the schedule below.
December: 1st Quarter of the next year ( January, February, March )
March: 2nd Quarter ( April, May, June )
June: 3rd Quarter ( July, August, September )
September: 4th Quarter ( October, November, December )
Mass Intentions Form
Please Contact the parish office with any questions! 281-332-3031
The loss of a loved one can be one of the most challenging time in anyone's life. In times of loss and suffering we come to God to worship and to remember. To request a funeral mass please contact the parish office.
In 1972, Pope Paul VI revised several ministries and minor clerical orders. [1] One ministry that was preserved was the ministry of the instituted acolyte. While the term acolyte is at times used when referring to young men and women who assist at the altar (altar servers), the ministry of instituted acolyte is a permanent institution. Because the ministry has its roots in the formation of ordained clergy, the ministry is reserved to men.
The instituted acolyte is appointed to assist the deacon and serve the priest in the celebration of the liturgy. He is an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion serving only when sufficient ordinary ministers are not available. [2] Instituted acolytes, as necessary, may also assist with the formation of other ministers who assist at the altar. Because these ministers are dedicated to service at the altar, they should strive to learn all they can about public divine worship and strive to grasp its inner spiritual meaning. A primary responsibility is to assist with the purification of vessels used in the distribution of Holy Communion.
Cardinal DiNardo has expressed his desire that men chosen for this ministry should be experienced sacristans and liturgical ministers. Men must be at least 21 years of age, fully initiated and living an exemplary Christian way of life, with no impediments to sacramental reception, (e.g., if married, one must be in valid union recognized by the Church).
Pastors determine the need for instituted acolytes in their parish.
Altar Servers assist at the Mass and various Liturgical Celebrations. They aid the Priest and Deacons by carrying the candles, cross and occasionally incense during the procession. Catholic boys and girls in the fourth grade or higher who have celebrated their First Communion and who attend faith formation classes can attend a training class to become an Altar Server.
Each Sunday Mass requires four (4) Altar Servers consisting of a Cross Bearer (crucifer), First Acolyte, Second Acolyte, and Book Bearer. Altar servers assist the Priest and Deacon at the Mass and play a critical role in the Liturgy. Serving as an Altar Server strengthens a volunteer's faith, assists in their Spiritual Growth, and facilitates participation in God's Holy Church.
Our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion serve the Body of Christ that is the Church, as well as the Body and Blood of Christ in the Eucharist. Those who serve must be inviting, caring people who give each member of the assembly a gracious welcome befitting the honored guests at the table of the Lord. Adults and teenagers, who have made their confirmation and are a senior in high school, are invited to serve in this ministry. They must attend training. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are commissioned and scheduled based on their availability.
Volunteers are also solicited to serve on nursing home teams and for home visits to parishioners confined to their homes.
Experienced EHCM's Volunteer for the training team which conducts training sessions 2-3 times each year.
Lectors are called to proclaim The Word of God in the Celebration of Sunday Eucharist and at other parish liturgies. Lectors are called to bring The Word to life. The power of The Word is made manifest when it is proclaimed in faith with joyful dignity and intensity. The ministry is open to High School Juniors and Seniors that have received the Sacrament of Confirmation, and registered adults who are actively receiving the sacraments and have a love for sacred scripture. All new candidates must attend training and receive a commissioning at a designated Mass.
Scheduling is provided by the Ministry Schedule program in the church offices. Schedules are published every three months. You may select which masses you would like to proclaim the Word of God. If you cannot serve at your assigned mass, you can request a substitute via the email you receive when it's your time to lector. Reminder messages are sent the week before you serve.